Friday, August 1, 2014

Fishing Map #2

Another fishing map c:

I like the Graphics c: if it has graphics lol

Advertising #Yoyomice Play their its awesome!


Try to press
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 on your keyboard

Enjoy (even if its already old xD)

New Uptade for Tfm (Shaman Things)



i was offline january till august! but now i can make it up to you by being active!

So you see here (as what Sydoline posted in the official tfm)

You can now have fun decorating you own shaman things ! yay (i think?)

Let us now see what other peeps are doing >:D

BUT before that look at this fishing map i just find right now lol

New Communities

Wassup Mices!

for today i'm trying to be active for team Y.O.L.O

Good luck Yolo mices!

so for today we have Philippines (where i was born), Finnish,Japan,Italian

Let us See their Flags c:

Back in August


so lately i saw the pageviews emg

its 5,000 above already >-<

i wuv u guys! yea srry again for not uptaded ;n;

i borrowed this laptop from my tito *-*
Red Bobblehead BunnyCute Bow Tie Hearts Blinking Blue and Pink PointerHetalia: Axis Powers - TaiwanBlinking Cute Box CatPurple Floating Heart